About Zite Manager…

Zite Manager is a new tool that helps humanitarians collect and manage operational data across teams working across many locations. Zite Manager is based on open source technology and is customizable to fit a large number of purposes. Here are some of the main things about Zite Manager you may want to know…

For more information, please visit the developer’s documentation.

Kobo/ODK based

Zite Manager is actually based on Kobo/ODK software. This means that the Kobo/ODK forms and interface many humanitarians use are the same in the platform. You can upload existing or new Kobo/ODK forms to design what data you want to collect and how. This means that if you can do something in Kobo, you would be able to do it in Zite Manager! Unlike Kobo/ODK however, the platform makes forms and data viewable to mobile users / data collectors and allows for two way communication between field teams and other staff managing data in the mobile application.

User Management

Zite Manager adds to core Kobo/ODK platform with a range of features. The first of which is a comprehensive user role and management system. In Zite Manager, everyone has their own username, password, and role that give them specific permissions to view, interact and manage the data they are responsible for. This improves data protection and helps team understand which data is their responsability to manage!

Sites & Status

Data collection & management in the platform is arranged around “Sites.” A site can be a facility, area, or location about which or where the data is being collected. Users are assigned to sites in order to help spatially organize the collection & management of data.

Data collected in each form submission can be set to generate a “Case” which is given a status. Statuses are used to identify what step of a process a problem or issue is in and what action needs to be taken by who. Managers & reviewers can update the status of a case anytime through the web application.

Reports & Data

Zite Manager also gives you a range of ways you can interact and access your data. Data is available through the web platform and emails can be configured to email specific issues to users when they occur. Your data can also be exported into excel files so that you can review your data in bulk.

Our APIs allow you to also access data through PowerQuery, meaning you can download data into your excel and PowerBi reports automatically upon refresh. You also have the option of syncing your data to Google Sheets for use there as well.

Workflows & Automation

How do we manage large volumes of data? Mainly by automating a lot of the basic functions and processes related to our data collection. Zite Manager has built in interfaces that allow you to select a range of actions that you might want to happen automatically. For example, you may want a certain status assigned whenever problem is identified or you may want your field teams to follow up whenever a response to an issue has been given!

Want to know more?

There is a lot more than covered here… If you want to read more about the documentation you can visit the full documentation page for the platform.

If you want to see about how manage community feedback in Zite - check out the demonstration on our resources page.

For other questions, reach out to us through the contact page.